User information

…course, be measured. A setup consisting of two ion TOF spectrometers is also available. It can be used to measure coincidences between negative ions and positive ions. A magnetic bottle…

Survey, Alignment and Mechanical stability

…making sure it will be designed in a functional way with respect to both alignment and stability. When a component is delivered it is measured, or fiducialized, before placed in…

MAX IV strategy 2023–2032

…the most prioritised instruments. In addition, we are working internally with a MAX IV Roadmap identifying activities throughout the organisation needed to achieve the vision and mission as described in…

Science & Techniques

If you are interested in accessing the advanced rheological testing available at MAX IV, please contact the beamline staff well in advance of a proposal deadline. For challenging experiments, preliminary…

User information AFM

Getting access The access to the AFM infrastructure is granted primarily in conjunction with beamtime at MAX IV Laboratory. It is important that the users mention the AFM (or other…

Training activities

…Build your competence through additional secondments The secondment at MAX IV and its infrastructure is the core of the PRISMAS scientific and technical training. Besides general and specialised X-ray courses, you also get scientific training and are…