Post beamtime

…tree-like hierarchy. The structure of data collected at NanoMAX is rather simple, with one main file collected per scan performed. Using freely available viewing tools, these files can be viewed…

Liquid jet

…(300mL capacity). The Catcher can be heated and cooled. No ice-beaker or similar device is currently implemented, so freezing the used liquid to reduce the pressure further is not possible….

ForMAX beamline: What is it and how to apply?

…to ForMAX. Our scientists and industrial users will share their experiences and findings based on the studies carried out at ForMAX. This is a free webinar open to all. Register…

Workshop: Industrial utilisation of MAX IV

…facilities. The workshop is free of charge and will give an overview of the project and discuss the next steps for increased industrial use of large-scale research infrastructures. The program…

Low Density Matter

Research on gas phase molecules, aerosols, liquids and free clusters Investigating the interaction of light with molecules/clusters/liquids/aerosols and the determination of the properties of these systems and/or the dynamics that…

Science at FinEstBeAMS

…clusters, solids and their interfaces. FinEstBeAMS is dedicated for vapor phase research. At FinEstBeAMS it is possible to investigate: Free atoms, molecules and clusters Atmospheric molecules and clusters Metal clusters…

User Guide

…along with their respective sub-steps. User Access to MAX IV is granted through a peer-review process based on academic merits and free of charge, with the requirement that all results…