Metals and engineering

…low energy electron microscopy at MAXPEEM Discuss your research and innovation needs with us! Contact us at the MAX IV Industrial Relations Office and we will help you turn your research…

Energy and battery

…at ForMAX, DanMAX, and NanoMAX Ambient pressure photoelectron spectroscopy at HIPPIE and SPECIES Spectroscopic photoelectron and low energy electron microscopy at MAXPEEM Discuss your research and innovation needs with us! Contact us at the MAX IV Industrial Relations Office…

Preparation lab

An extra room is dedicated to the preparation laboratory where the preparation and storage of samples and equipment are possible. In the preparation laboratory, users can find an optical microscope, a…

Fast Access

Standard Measurement Service The sample should be ready to attach to our sample holders (i.e. a solid pellet 13 or 5 mm in diameter, wrapped in Kapton tape, see below). The sample should be…

User information

Infrastructure available for SEM users Al sample cups Carbon tape (conductive double-side adhesive) Tweezers, pliers Dry nitrogen … more information to come soon……

User information

These following items are available to use: 800 nm pump laser; OPA pump 1600 nm – 400 nm; THz generated in organic crystals. 1.8-15 keV X-rays 80 Gs, 36 GHz…

SCIENTÍFika hosting Dr. Georg Held

The VerSoX beamline: Near-ambient pressure XPS/NEXAFS at Diamond Light Source The near-ambient-pressure beamline B07 (Versatile Soft X-ray beamline) at Diamond Light Source opened for users in July 2017. It features…

LINXS Christmas Open House

Join LINXS at our first Open House and Christmas glögg-mingel on 15th December! When: Drop in at any time from 15.00 to 18.00 Where: LINXS, Scheelevägen 19, Lund, at the…

Beamline optics

FemtoMAX performance2024 Energy range 1.8 -15 keV (0.8 – 6.8 Å) Photon source 2 x in-vacuum undulators U15 Monochromator Double Crystal Monochromator with InSb(111) crystals. 3 x Multi-Layer Mirror Photons…