Proposal Writing Guide

…followed by a concrete explanation of how the planned experiment will contribute to answering the question. Clearly and concisely communicate what has already been done in this topic, and how…

Honeycomb borophene: myth or reality?

…of different borophene sheets, with different shape, size and composition of the unit cell and different concentration of periodic B vacancies; some will be stable and some not. This is…

User information

…freedom for alignment, and explicitly address this point in your proposal. The spin-resolved ARPES endstation has demonstrated baseline functionality and formally left commissioning, but is still very new. You are…

LINXS XAS-School 2023

…is free of charge for participants. However, the number of course participants is limited to 30. LINXS plans to offer the course annually. Target Group: The Course is concepted for…


…team, we also strive to help our organization achieving its targets, with the delivery of maintenance and upgrades to our vacuum systems and the construction of new parts for the…

Experimental station

…placed at the focus point of the beamline by sliding a movable frame. The gas-phase end station is designed for gas-phase targets and samples with high vapor pressure that are…

Coincidence Spectroscopy

Multi-coincidence spectroscopy involves the simultaneous measurement of two or more charged particles produced in a reaction, thereby affording researchers the possibility to perform comprehensive investigations on molecular and cluster ionization…

Vacuum Technology, Instrumentation and Tools

…upper region of ultra-high vacuum (10-9 mbar and below). For practical reasons, roughing pumps and TMPs are often combined together into mobile carts (pumping stations) that allow the vacuum team…

Guide for collaboration with MAX IV

Since its establishment in 2016, MAX IV has grown significantly. This growth implies an increase in complexity and amount of information to be handled in different contexts. Collaborative initiatives witness…