…5102.25 (+/- 25 mm translation range for each axis) custom large-range pitch stage, model 5202.80 (+/- 45 degrees) yaw stage, model 408 manual 5-axis goniometer head 1002 or 1005 can…

PRISMAS Recruitment Days

The PRISMAS PhD Programme 1st Call for Recruitment is now open between 1 March – 2 May 2023. PRISMAS – PhD Research and Innovation in Synchrotron Methods and Applications in…

Beamline optics

X-ray source (EPU) Elliptically polarising undulator, 48 mm period, 11 mm minimal gap, 3.9 m magnetic length Energy (wavelength) range 275 – 1600 eV (50 – 8 Å) using 1st

Experimental station

common Varied Line Spacing (VLS) grating design. A collimating parabolic mirror is used in the horizontal plane, increasing transmission without requiring a very broad detector. Energy (wavelength) range 250 –…

Beamline optics

…and the sample minimising the parasitic contribution. The SAXS detector is a vacuum compatible area system housed in an 18 m long vacuum tube. A two dimensional WAXS detector will…

Industrial use of spectroscopy at LSI

…and Jernkontoret. Topics will cover relevant techniques and methods for: – Studying the solid-liquid interface – Understanding complex alloys – Revealing lateral variations in the passive film on duplex stainless…

User access

Want to become a MAX IV user? Apply for beamtime! MAX IV is happy to welcome researchers from all over the world to come to Lund and perform experiments using…

LINXS Christmas Open House

…neutron science. Take the chance to meet with colleagues in the LINXS community! For those of you who are not familiar with how LINXS work, this is an excellent opportunity…

Beamline optics

…coherent part of the beam, generating a new virtual source for the experimental stations. NanoMAX beamline optics layout The optical beamline components for the beam shaping and beam transport up…