Advisory bodies

MAC – MAX IV Machine Advisory Committee The MAX IV Machine Advisory Committee (MAC) supervises and follows the commissioning, operation and upgrades of the accelerators at the MAX IV facility….

sftp data transfer

…area is not visible to sftp Log in to the sftp server from a Linux client From Linux command line, simply type sftp ‘maxiv_user_name’ on the command line, where ‘maxiv_user_name’…

Sample environments and equipment

…optional vertical geometry Rotation and XRD-CT (PXRD2D): A Huber 408 goniometer mounted with the rotation axis in vertical orientation on top of a linear stage (X). Manual Huber 1002 goniometer…

Importing sample information list as a CSV file

…a plain text format mainly used to store tabular data. CSV means Comma-Separated Values then each value is separated with a comma. Example: Dewar1,MX001,Unipuck,1,HEWL,xtal101,,P43212,77.4,77.4,37.2,90,90,90,,,,,,,,,Lysozyme test crystal This line describes a…

Chiral materials open opportunities for spintronics

…are usually produced by passing an electrical current through a combination of magnetic and insulating materials. This setup has challenges when it comes to miniaturisation and significant energy loss via…

Collaborations offering beamtime

…webpage of the project: For additional information, please contact ReMade@ARI chevron_right The research infrastructure project ReMade@ARI, which deals with innovative materials for key components in various areas such…