Advisory bodies

…Søren Pape Møller (Chair), Director ISA, Aarhus University, Denmark Montse Pont, ALBA Synchrotron, Spain Qing Qin, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Timur Shaftan, Brookhaven National Laboratory, US Richard Walker, Diamond…

Importing sample information list as a CSV file

…resolution Maximum resolution (A) at the edge of the detector (fully inscribed circle). Refer to the BioMAX User Information page for the resolution limit at different energies 1.5 beam diameter…

Sample environments and equipment

…optional vertical geometry Rotation and XRD-CT (PXRD2D): A Huber 408 goniometer mounted with the rotation axis in vertical orientation on top of a linear stage (X). Manual Huber 1002 goniometer…

sftp data transfer

…Rename remote file rm path Delete remote file rmdir path Remove remote directory symlink oldpath newpath Symlink remote file version Show SFTP version !command Execute ‘command’ in local shell !…

Chiral materials open opportunities for spintronics

…quantities point either perpendicular to each other or may have an arbitrary orientation. However, recently, some theoretical proposals have suggested that such a parallel “Weyl” spin momentum locking should be…

Collaborations offering beamtime

…IV participates in: iNEXT-Discovery chevron_right iNEXT-Discovery aims to enable access to structural biology research infrastructures for all European researchers, and especially also for non-experts in structural biology. For that reason…

Data handling and processing at BioMAX

…processing are stored under the ‘/data/visitors/biomax/’proposal’/’date’/process’ subdirectory (or ‘/data/proprietary/biomax/’proposal’/’date’/process’ for proprietary proposals) , but you can also inspect the results in EXI running on a remote browser and download them…