Preparation chambers

…contact beamline staff if interested) Characterization ScientaOmicron 3-grid SPECTRALEED Thickness monitor RGA Wobble stick for cleaving Deposition 2 quick install deposition source ports CF 40 Additional CF40 ports Dosing Leak…


…a particular experimental need. The two current cells are the standard cell and atomic layer deposition cell, each equipped with mass spectrometry capabilities. The standard cell will soon be modified…

Low Density Matter

…mA (planned: 500mA) 350mA (planned: 500 mA) Single bunch mode (Y/N) Yes No Stored current in single bunch mode (to date) 22 mA – LDM-relevant beamlines FinEstBeAMS, FlexPES, SPECIES Veritas…

Beamline optics

For detailed description of the HIPPIE optical design and performance, please see the beamline publication: HIPPIE: a new platform for ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy at the MAX IV Laboratory…

Preparation chamber

…AES via ext lock-in RGA/mass-spectrometry Quartz microbalance on the manipulator Deposition 2 quick install deposition source ports CF 40 Additional CF40 ports Manipulator and sampleplates General information At STM lab…

Sample environments and equipment

…and the AROS SW. AROS installed at DanMAX Oxford Cryosystems Cryostream 800plus (PXRD2D and Imaging): Liquid nitrogen cryostream capable of operating from 80 to 500 K ( Ramp rates from…

Beamline optics

…(300 l/mm, blaze 0.6°, TBI) Energy resolution ≥ 5000 E/ΔE, and ≥ 10 000 for E<1000 eV (1200 l/mm) First focusing mirror (M3) CXI: 28.8 m, 1° incidence angle, toroidal,…

Find your beamline

BeamlineBalderBioMAXBlochCoSAXSDanMAXFemtoMAXFinEstBeAMSFlexPESForMAXHIPPIEMAXPEEMMicroMAXNanoMAXSINCRYS – Single (micro) crystal X-ray diffractionSoftiMAXSPECIESVeritas Access modesBAG: Block Allocation Groups AccessFast AccessLong term proposalsProprietary AccessStandard Access Balder chevron_right Main science areas CatalysisChemistryCultural HeritageEnvironmental ScienceGeochemistryLife ScienceMaterials Science Techniques &…

SCIENTÍFika hosting Dr. Georg Held

…results of experiments studying industrial and model catalysts in ambient-pressure conditions, demonstrating the research possibilities it offers. We look forward to see you online and hope you enjoy the talk!…

PyMCA XRF imaging guide

…an X-ray fluorescence reference standard is normally used. The standard we often use is a thin film sample, where several elements have been deposited on a very thing silicon nitride…