Gas-phase endstation

The Gas-phase end station (GPES), shown in the photo below, has been designed for photoelectron-photoion coincidence (PEPICO) experiments of gas phase targets and samples with high vapour pressure [1]. The main instruments…

Drug discovery

…drug candidates to target proteins. Using the beamlines and tools at MAX IV, researchers from drug discovery companies find brand new starting points for developing novel pharmaceutical substances.  Easy and…

Science at MicroMAX

…full datasets due to e.g. radiation damage and sample heterogeneity. These methods are commonly referred to as “serial crystallography”. MicroMAX will thus widen the scope of MX to difficult targets…

User Interface at Balder

blank out hot (overflow) pixels and also customize the plotting range and color schemes. The on-the-fly reduction pipeline performs azimuthal integration of the 2D data (based on azint script) for…

Safety requirements for employees

…som anlitar en extern entreprenör för ett arbete på MAX IV ansvarar för dem under hela vistelsen. Den anställde ska registrera den externa entreprenören i den blankett som finns på…

Honeycomb borophene: myth or reality?

…graphene, then it would wiggle like a blanket and could corrugate on the aluminum substrate to accommodate the small mismatch. However, upon close examination using x-ray spectroscopies and DFT, the…

User information

…Bloch (i.e. are you assuming a measurement temperature of 5K? Expecting to do SX-ARPES at 1000eV?) Support facilities Optical microscope Available in chemistry lab (SMZ745T) Blank sample plates in Al…

Fast Access

…be sent to the beamline already glued to compatible plates and top-posted. We can send blank plates and secure carrier boxes if required. One more time, the allotment is a…