Press room

Visit MAX IV’s press room Go to MAX IV’s official Press Room on Cision (English newsroom) Besök MAX IV:s officiella pressrum på Cision (svenskt nyhetsrum) Photos and images MAX IV…

Universities and partners

…students. The universities (Implementing Partners) and Associated Partners (including market-leading industrial partners) host the PRISMAS students during their studies. These stays are tailored to the PhD project of each PRISMAS…

Science at NanoMAX

…of this new imaging toolbox is the opportunity for direct in‐situ, in‐vivo and in‐operando experiments exploring very challenging physical environments and giving direct correlation between structure and physical properties. It…

Guns and linear accelerator

The MAX IV linac serves two purposes: it’s a continuous top-up injector to both storage rings, but it also accelerates and compresses electron bunches for the short-pulse facility. The linac…

MAX IV – Main

…brush up on our deadlines, the User Access pages have you covered. Students? Apply to PRISMAS PhD Program The new doctoral programme will recruit and train new 40 PhD students…

Proposal Writing Guide

…success. The Scientific When writing a proposal, keep in mind that referees on the review panel read and review many proposals each call, not only yours. So you need to…

Industrial use of spectroscopy at LSI

…– Revealing lateral variations in the passive film on duplex stainless steel – Studying thermally induced surface processes studies – Characterizing chemical forms of metals in residual products Event program…