Universities and partners

…solving societal challenges. At the beginning of the project, a total of 43 partners from academia, institutes, and industry are committed to the PRISMAS program implementation, training, and supervision of…

Science at NanoMAX

…as in other fields of physics, chemistry and biology. In addition, modern synchrotrons are extremely well suited for this type of beamlines – in particular MAX IV. A unique quality…

Guns and linear accelerator

…consists of two electron guns (a photo-rf gun for SPF pulses and a thermionic rf gun for storage ring injection), two bunch compressors, and 39 S-band accelerating structures along with…

MAX IV – Main

…of the Bloch experiment station contributed to the discovery. The dawning of new interpretation for RIXS spectra chevron_right New findings from Uppsala University researchers may change the way spectral data…

Proposal Writing Guide

…experiences of our beamline staff, PAC members and information from other international science facilities. The most important thing! Beamline staff are experts that will gladly advise you to strengthen your…

Industrial use of spectroscopy at LSI

…and Jernkontoret. Topics will cover relevant techniques and methods for: – Studying the solid-liquid interface – Understanding complex alloys – Revealing lateral variations in the passive film on duplex stainless…

User access

Want to become a MAX IV user? Apply for beamtime! MAX IV is happy to welcome researchers from all over the world to come to Lund and perform experiments using…