
…volume. Users can bring their own beakers. Heating or cooling can be provided via temperature-controlled platform on which beaker stands. Electrolyte info Many electrolyte solutions can be used, with the…


…joachim.schnadt@maxiv.lu.se Phone: +46702923925 Margit Nothnagl Director Administration Division E-mail: margit.nothnagl@maxiv.lu.se Phone: +46462226672 Communications Communication E-mail: communication@maxiv.lu.se User Office User Office E-mail: Useroffice@maxiv.lu.se Information and Communication Technology Thomas Eriksson Manager IT…


…imaging endstation during its construction. 2022 Complete alignment of a KB-mirror system guided by ptychography 10.1364/OE.470591 Describes the alignment procedure of the KB mirror system used at the diffraction endstation….

Full field imaging

…order and will arrive at the end of 2024. In the meantime, we use a similar microscope kindly lent to us by the TOMCAT beamline at the Swiss Light Source….

Atomic Force Microscope

AFM at X-ray Optics Lab It is possible now for MAX IV users to characterize their samples with true Atomic Force Microscopy, using the Dimension 3100 machine from Veeco/Digital Instruments….

Sample holders

…it is necessary that all sample holders used in the Imaging station are standardized. Users are required to mount their samples on OMNY pins. The NanoMAX team can provide pointy…

Zooming into Biobased Materials

…make connections between industrial and academic users and present your research to a broad audience! Contribute to the programme by submitting an abstract or bringing a poster! Read more about…

Reaction undercover: boosting the potency of catalysts

In the field of catalysis research, a relatively new strategy for molecular energy conversion is the use of space-confined catalysis, with undercover catalysis being one example. Scientists are learning that…

Soft X-ray absorption

…of the X-ray photon absorption, a core electron may be promoted into various unoccupied states; the probability of this promotion is strongly dependent on the photon energy and experimental geometry….