Prepare samples for the Sample Exchanger

…This guide shows how to transfer samples between SPINE Pucks and UniPucks and how to load and unload samples in the robot, including instructions to use the IsaraLoader application to…

LEAPS-INNOV project offers funding for collaborative work

…and access opportunities at the LEAPS facilities for both industry and academic user communities. The deadline for submitting proposals is 30th November 2022. View the Call guidelines and the application…

Controlled areas

…area behind the door is in progress and is lit when the search is complete. The red light indicates that a radiation hazard is present in the area behind the

Experimental station

…is planned Available ports there are additional ports available for user supplied sources: -four CF40 -two CF63 -one CF100 Other it is possible to load one sample per time in…

XAS data

X-ray Absorption Spectra in transmission Cu foil 2019-01-31, step scanning (35 min/scan), 2 repeats, Si111 crystals, room temperature Balder (green) compared to other beamlines (blue/orange) 2019-02-08, fly scanning (1 min…

Beamline optics

…vertical and horizontal. Circular commissioning ongoing, available on request. Minimum photon spot size Down to 8×10µm at normal incidence, 8×15μm at normal emission. Photon flux 10¹¹ – 10¹³ ph/s, depends…

A fuel conversion process akin to photosynthesis

…application of solar energy. The reaction was tested using a two-compartment photoelectrochemical (PEC) cell separated by a Nafion membrane for water oxidation and CO2 reduction. The study selectively produced fuel…

Photoluminescence end station

…possibilities: Emission spectra from UV to NIR spectral range (200 – 1350 nm). Excitation and absorption spectra with high resolution in 4.5 -1300 eV spectral range. Reflectance in 4.5 -45…

Nano-focused X-rays aid integrated circuit development

Electromigration and failure Copper is the most commonly used material for connecting transistors on a chip. The current being pushed through the tiny copper wires cause a phenomenon called electromigration….