
…research community, Nordic/Baltic users and stakeholders from Europe and the world) The invaluable interaction with the Swedish research community from academic and non-academic environments Capitalising on the geographical location of…

Engagement in networks

…science and society. Front Page ARIE chevron_right The Analytical Research Infrastructures in Europe (ARIEs) provide unique windows into the workings of the world around us. They include powerful photon sources,…

Full field imaging

…a readout speed of 8000 frames per second can be achieved. The broadband multilayer monochromator plays a pivotal role in ensuring an ample supply of X-ray photons, facilitating high-speed tomography….


…2021. Below the red curve are measured focal sizes (FWHM) in nano-meters and corresponding setting of the secondary source aperture, in um. Example for reading the plot: “At 10 keV…

Sample environments and equipment

…is equipped with a Newport M-BKL-4 kinematic base for easy exchange of the sample holder. Both axis are compatible with fast continuous scanning (fly scans). Only one axis can be…

Microscopy labs

the users mention Support Microscopy labs research infrastructure in their DUO beamtime application when submitting the proposals. The next proposal call opens 2023-09-05, will close on 2023-09-26 and covers beamtimes

SINCRYS – Single (micro) crystal X-ray diffraction

…additional technical expertise required and long lead times in the proposal-based access policy. Floorplan of SINCRYS @ DanMAX The SINCRYS project is funded by the ‘Nationalt Udvalg for Forskningsinfrastruktur’ (NUFI)…

Effects of salt particles on climate studied at MAX IV

…of the particles, especially if the composition changes with size.  “Understanding the variation in chemical composition with particle size is crucial because different-sized particles can have different sources, lifetimes, health…

Can additively manufactured steel be more corrosion resistant?

Modern-time manufacturing creates new challenges to tackle. So does additive manufacturing which is foreseen as the future of sustainable and cost-efficient production. Additive manufacturing (AM), known by many as 3D printing,…