Multimodal in-situ XAS-XRD

…a robot arm for flexible positioning, to the experimental setup. Schematic representation of the combined XAS-XRD setup at Balder. Data acquisition is currently implemented in sequential mode: XRD-XAS-XRD-XAS… This allows…


…providing more RAM and CPU cores. But only for a shorter and limited time: JupyterHub at MAX IV offline compute* available for MAX IV users via VPN JupyterHub at MAX…

Beamline optics

…plane of the grating G), in addition to focusing horizontally at the exit slit. The monochromator is a combined collimated cNIM and cPGM type. The monochromator energy-disperses the radiation, which…

Data access and processing

…on the control computers. The Silx installation files can be found on As the PXRD area detector data is compressed using a bit-shuffle algorithm, it is necessary to install…

The dawning of new interpretation for RIXS spectra

…diatomic molecule, oxygen, which by definition contains two identical atomic centres. With scattering, the combined excitation of the atoms is referred to as entanglement in quantum mechanics. When a photon…

A fuel conversion process akin to photosynthesis

…to enhance the solar energy conversion efficiency in order to commercialize this technology,” said Jianwu Sun, senior lecturer at Linköping University and principal investigator of the study. Deep, elemental understanding…

A celebration of MAX IV’s beginnings

…MAX IV’s history such as the first ever drawing of MAX I from 1986. It includes a sculpture commemorating the first protein structure solved at the lab using an innovative…