Data access and processing

…in: /data/visitors/danmax/#Proposal/#Visit/raw/ while reduced files are stored in: /data/visitors/danmax/#Proposal/#Visit/process/ Ipython notebookes for processing data will be placed in: /data/visitors/danmax/#Proposal/#Visit/scripts/ Separate experiments/samples may be stored in their own folder. The raw…

The dawning of new interpretation for RIXS spectra

…original development of Veritas beamline and also assisted with the construction and operation of beamline i511 at MAX II. Veritas beamline at MAX IV. Credit: MAX IV Laboratory Scientists use…

A fuel conversion process akin to photosynthesis

…of biomimicry, a design re-creation of biological processes and materials in nature. In structural studies, graphene, one of the thinnest materials in the known universe, is valued for its versatility…

Paper and pulp

…MAX IV Paper and pulp scientists have a close research collaboration with MAX IV through the national research and collaboration platform Treesearch. Through Treesearch, industry representatives have come together and…

A celebration of MAX IV’s beginnings

…technology designed and developed at MAX IV, as well as stamps commemorating Lund University’s 350-year jubilee and bright future with MAX IV.   The walls at MAX IV are not…

User information

A call for proposal will open September 4 with closing deadline September 18, 2024. For more general information about the call see MicroMAX is open for standard proposals for serial…

Recruitment process

MAX IV Laboratory recruits from all over the world. Our vacancies are advertised on the websites of MAX IV Laboratory and Lund University’s web as well as through various media outlets…