Data access and processing

…in: /data/visitors/danmax/#Proposal/#Visit/raw/ while reduced files are stored in: /data/visitors/danmax/#Proposal/#Visit/process/ Ipython notebookes for processing data will be placed in: /data/visitors/danmax/#Proposal/#Visit/scripts/ Separate experiments/samples may be stored in their own folder. The raw…

The dawning of new interpretation for RIXS spectra

…Söderström The total scattering pattern emerges as the oxygen molecule rotates in 2 dimensions. Oxygen molecules are randomly oriented in a gaseous sample and the scattering pattern is the…

A fuel conversion process akin to photosynthesis

…of photosynthesis has been a long-sought goal of the science community, and a new exploration for technology innovators. Cross-discipline work can result in sustainable solutions or applications which incorporate characteristics…

Paper and pulp

…length scales  Mechanical properties of fiber structures during processes and at different temperatures and humidity levels  Cellulose-water interaction effects  Popular techniques and beamlines Small- and wide-angle scattering at ForMAX and CoSAXS Tomographic imaging…

A celebration of MAX IV’s beginnings

…the first 4th generation light source in operation is thanks to your efforts.”   The new exhibition in MAX IV’s reception also features display cases with other important milestones in…

User information

A call for proposal will open September 4 with closing deadline September 18, 2024. For more general information about the call see MicroMAX is open for standard proposals for serial…

Kilohertz serial crystallography to film nature’s choreography

…makes it possible to follow through proteins’ processes and dynamics, make it possible for a new chapter of structural biology, including ultra-high-throughput screening, serial crystallography structure determination of true microcrystals,…

Recruitment process

MAX IV Laboratory recruits from all over the world. Our vacancies are advertised on the websites of MAX IV Laboratory and Lund University’s web as well as through various media outlets…