Data access and processing

…hdf5plugin, which can be found on A description of the experimental snapshot parameters is given in the next tab. PXRD2D: Data processing and analysis chevron_right Azimuthal integration pipeline An…

The dawning of new interpretation for RIXS spectra

…Söderström The total scattering pattern emerges as the oxygen molecule rotates in 2 dimensions. Oxygen molecules are randomly oriented in a gaseous sample and the scattering pattern is the…

A fuel conversion process akin to photosynthesis

…by the Swedish Research Council, FORMAS, and the Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education. Publication Hao Li, Yuchen Shi, Huan Shang, Weimin Wang, Jun Lu, Alexei…

Paper and pulp

…on developing new material concepts, investigating new areas of application for wood-based materials, finding new methods for extracting and processing more wood components from the bulk processes, and studying how…

A celebration of MAX IV’s beginnings

…the first 4th generation light source in operation is thanks to your efforts.”   The new exhibition in MAX IV’s reception also features display cases with other important milestones in…

User information

…Results from MicroMAX, in addition to the general acknowledgement for MAX IV, must include the following acknowledgement: “MicroMAX is funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation under the grant number NNF17CC0030666”…

Recruitment process

…arrangements will be included in the invitation. Appointment decision chevron_right If you are offered a position and you accept, you will receive an appointment decision. In cases of relocation you…