Beamline optics

From left to right: in-vacuum wiggler, FE mask, wall, low-E filters, alignment laser, CM, DCM, slit, fluorescent screen, FM, slit, fluorescent screen, sample Source: in-vacuum wiggler Total length 2 m…


…electrons, lasers and beyond. It will occur on the 16-20th of June 2024. COHERENCE attracts researchers from many fields (physics, chemistry, biology, optics, and more) who are interested in developing…

Metal industry giant conducts experiments at MAX IV

…with a certain structure or a certain stress profile are more long-lasting than the others,” says Colliander. He mentions that the experiment’s findings are essential for Sandvik’s product development in…

Solid-Gas Endstation

laser and a thermocouple electrical contacts for direct measurement of the sample temperature. Samples are typically mounted on the plates using clips, that can either be attached to the plate…

Rapid prototyping

The Beamline Office with the SEDS Team have a pool of rapid prototyping equipment available to the MAX IV community. There are several printers, a benchtop Laser Cutter and a…

Catalysis Cell

…30 mbar Heaters Direct laser (CW, 808 nm) Up to 600C in 10 mbar for all gases except H2 and He. for H2 and He: – up to 600 C…

Biological lab

…cuvette option UV-Vis spectrophotometer IMPLEN Nanospectrophotometer N60 with touch screen and vortex Dynamic light scattering (DLS) Wyatt Nanostar with IR laser 785nm Cuvette-based min sample vol 4µL Benchtop centrifuge VWR…

High-Pressure Reactor

…x 10-9 mbar Heating IR laser, 1080nm. Up to 900 C For CO the beamline gurantees absense of carbonyls below 400C Pressure range 1 x 10-8 mbar – 1 bar Availability…