…directions in the full range of the sample-detector distances provided by the beamline (up to 16 m). The optical and mechanical design of the CoSAXS instrument has been carefully developed…

MetalBeams online seminar

Welcome to MetalBeams online seminar! Registration is now open. Read more and sign up today! MetalBeams is an initiative within SIP Metallic Materials, run by Jernkontoret, Swerim and RISE, to encourage the use…

User information

…problems occur hindering the measurements. Samples must be flat without any macro- or micro-size tips, as they may cause significant field emissions and eventually deleterious arcing. The size of the…


…and interfaces. The design of the beamline facilitates sample transfer between the end stations, offering synergy between gas phase and solid-state research. An Estonian and Finnish consortium, supported by the…

Controlled areas

…accelerator areas Accelerator areas constitute controlled areas where radiation levels may be significant. There are four main accelerator areas at MAX IV: the linac tunnel, the short pulse facility (SPF),…

Beamline optics

…properties of the M4 mirror, and does not decrease below the measured minimum of (8×10)µm. Photon energies greater than 220 electronvolt With significantly reduced flux (10¹⁰ ph/s) and energy resolution…