LEAPS-INNOV project offers funding for collaborative work

…collaborative technology developments II) collaborative development of strategic community access modes. A sample environment at a beamline. Credit: MAX IV Laboratory Via the LEAPS-INNOV-co-creation programme, experienced as well as new…

Scanning Electron Microscope

…duties, so unless agreed well in advance do not expect immediate help. As long as there is no queue to the instrument, it hosts users on the “first come –…

Full field imaging

…one second, a feat achieved through a judicious compromise among factors like spatial resolution, dynamic range, signal-to-noise ratio, and temporal resolution. Rendering of the imaging instrument at DanMAX. a,b indicates…

Advanced Rheological Testing

…The aim of the collaboration is to grow the user community by outreach and development of novel, advanced in-situ rheological testing for MAX IV’s users. Due to the complex nature…

User Policies

…these terms and conditions, all users need to state their compliance in the Digital User Office (DUO) portal when submitting a proposal and/or when applying for individual access (physical or…

User information

…imaging instrument here. To help you design your PXRD2D experiment, we have developed xrdPlanner. Here, you can compare the experimental parameters (sample-to-detector distance, photon energy, beam stop distance) to find…

One Time Password (OTP)

MAX IV is committed to using Multi Factor Authentication for all external access to anything that is more than purely informational. Raising the bar Multi Factor Authentication is adding another…

3 GeV storage ring

…The ultra-low emittance is the result of the strong focusing provided by the multi-bend achromat lattice. A fully NEG-coated copper vacuum system and highly compact magnets machined from common iron…

MAX IV strategy 2023–2032

…years 2023-2032. MAX IV Strategic Plan 2023_2032.pdf What Happens Next With the Strategic Plan as a foundation, we intend to deepen the discussion with the research community and foremost national stakeholders to ensure…