Olof Karis becomes Director for MAX IV

…The decision was made by the Vice-Chancellor of Lund University, the host university for MAX IV. MAX IV, Sweden’s synchrotron, is fully operational with 16 beamlines and 1400 users yearly…

Fast Access

…proposal. We aim to provide a prompt decision upon proposal submission. However, response times may vary due to factors such as workload, national holidays and machine shutdown periods. Use cases…

Rapid prototyping

…conductive, carbon fibre reinforced materials, among others SEDS rapid prototyping machinery Printer name Software Material Resolution and print size Comment Ultimaker S5 Free Cura 5 PLA, PVA, PETG,PP, PC, composites….

Multimodal in-situ XAS-XRD

…contact the beamline staff prior to submission, if you intent to use complementary XRD in your proposal! Foreseeable Upgrades An overhead rail system for flexible positioning of the detector is…


…are available. Authentication is done with the usual MAX IV credentials and the service is only available within the MAX IV network. You can use: JupyterHub Server* offering several cores,…

Beamline optics

Overview The beamline is sourced by a quasi-periodic elliptically polarizing undulator (qEPU). A toroidal mirror M1 collects the diverging beam from the undulator and collimates it vertically (in the dispersive…