Fast Access

Fast Access (also known as “Rapid Access”) is intended for projects that require quick access to beamtime at MAX IV, such as testing a sample before submitting a Standard Access…

Rapid prototyping

…conductive, carbon fibre reinforced materials, among others SEDS rapid prototyping machinery Printer name Software Material Resolution and print size Comment Ultimaker S5 Free Cura 5 PLA, PVA, PETG,PP, PC, composites….

Multimodal in-situ XAS-XRD

…a robot arm for flexible positioning, to the experimental setup. Schematic representation of the combined XAS-XRD setup at Balder. Data acquisition is currently implemented in sequential mode: XRD-XAS-XRD-XAS… This allows…


…are available. Authentication is done with the usual MAX IV credentials and the service is only available within the MAX IV network. You can use: JupyterHub Server* offering several cores,…

Beamline optics

…plane of the grating G), in addition to focusing horizontally at the exit slit. The monochromator is a combined collimated cNIM and cPGM type. The monochromator energy-disperses the radiation, which…

Data access and processing

…file and a detector mask (.npy) are needed. pyFAI-calib2 is installed on the control computers and is commonly used to generate these files. More information about the pipeline can be…