Fast Access

Fast Access (also known as “Rapid Access”) is intended for projects that require quick access to beamtime at MAX IV, such as testing a sample before submitting a Standard Access…

Rapid prototyping

The Beamline Office with the SEDS Team have a pool of rapid prototyping equipment available to the MAX IV community. There are several printers, a benchtop Laser Cutter and a…

Multimodal in-situ XAS-XRD

…to submission, if you intent to use complementary XRD in your proposal! Foreseeable Upgrades A live view data reduction and azimuthal integration pipeline is currently developed We will offer soon…


…IV online compute* available for MAX IV users during beamtime when present physically or virtually on the MAX IV site For usage information, see this wiki page: JupyterHub on HPC…

Beamline optics

Overview The beamline is sourced by a quasi-periodic elliptically polarizing undulator (qEPU). A toroidal mirror M1 collects the diverging beam from the undulator and collimates it vertically (in the dispersive…

Data access and processing

…on the control computers. The Silx installation files can be found on As the PXRD area detector data is compressed using a bit-shuffle algorithm, it is necessary to install…