LEAPS-INNOV project offers funding for collaborative work

…collaborative technology developments II) collaborative development of strategic community access modes. A sample environment at a beamline. Credit: MAX IV Laboratory Via the LEAPS-INNOV-co-creation programme, experienced as well as new…

Full field imaging

…one second, a feat achieved through a judicious compromise among factors like spatial resolution, dynamic range, signal-to-noise ratio, and temporal resolution. Rendering of the imaging instrument at DanMAX. a,b indicates…

Advanced Rheological Testing

The aim of the collaboration is to grow the user community by outreach and development of novel, advanced in-situ rheological testing for MAX IV’s users. Due to the complex nature…

User Policies

these terms and conditions, all users need to state their compliance in the Digital User Office (DUO) portal when submitting a proposal and/or when applying for individual access (physical or…

3 GeV storage ring

The ultra-low emittance is the result of the strong focusing provided by the multi-bend achromat lattice. A fully NEG-coated copper vacuum system and highly compact magnets machined from common iron…

User information

…of beamtime per proposal. For further info on FA, please refer to this page: https://www.maxiv.lu.se/user-access/access-modes/fast-access/ Writing proposals FlexPES is oversubscribed, so proposals should be compelling and carefully written in order…

HPC via Remote Desktop

The online and offline HPCs can be accessed via the ThinLinc client, a commercial product developed by Cendio. Clients for Linux, Windows or Mac are available for download. This page…


…research, including photovoltaic devices, batteries and waste products from combustion, nuclear and coordination chemistry, as well as conservation of cultural heritage objects. Beamline documents Balder Review Report (download PDF) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2Aq36Pyr50…


…manager. Commissioning Users Automated sample mounting and dismounting of samples in capillaries. Please contact beamline manager. See also BioMAX User Information. Beamline documents Macromolecular Crystallography Review Report (download PDF) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LGCJx49OqE…