Accelerator Development Group

…LINAC collective effect studies beam diagnostics beam dynamic studies determination and implementation of low emittance test optics dynamics of R1 injection design of the lattice for the upgrade of MAX…

Insertion devices

The insertion Devices (ID) group is responsible of design, development and operation of Insertion Devices for the different beamlines at MAX IV Laboratory. Each beamline is fed by insertion device,…

User information

…Collected all samples and user equipment Waste sorted and labelled, handed over to LC Beamline left clean, equipment/tools back in place Some of the experimental modalities at ForMAX require significant…

For Applicants

…industrial research and using these to tackle some of the most significant global challenges the world faces today. Read more on what opportunities PRISMAS offers to you and relevant information…

Data handling and processing at BioMAX

…rapid feedback on data quality, while autoPROC and DIALS runs significantly slower; autoPROC performs anisotropy analysis which results in better data in some cases. The output files of the automated…

User information

…want to design their own holders, please use the same interface (2x ∅5.6 mm holes and the 3.4 mm slot, up to 2.5 mm thickness). Plates are otherwise available at…

IT Environment at BioMAX

…server at the password prompt window, after you type your user name. Before typing the password, use the settings wheel to the left of the blue Sign in button and…

SCIENTÍFika series

…minutes of presentation followed by 15 minutes of discussion, chaired by MAX IV staff You can sign up for an email reminder to not miss any seminars. Email If you…