CoSAXS Detectors

…Specification for Eiger2 4M SAXS detectorNumber of detector modules 2 x 4 Sensitive area (width x height) [mm²] 155.1 x 162.2 Pixel size [µm²] 75 x 75 Total number of…

Data access

…are stored in /data/visitors/formax/#Proposal/#Visit/raw/. Reduced files are stored in /data/visitors/formax/#Proposal/#Visit/process/azint/. Each scan will be saved with the name scan-####.h5, where #### is a sequential number. The users need to keep…

User Policies

MAX IV has a number of policies surrounding User access, please make sure you have read through these policies in full before your visit to MAX IV. You will find…

User information

…(18 shifts = 3 full days). It is expected that the beam is used in all shifts, including nights. Therefore, sufficient number of participants (ideally 4+/-1) should be secured for…

MAX IV’s role in the Government’s Research Bill

The Government asks a number of referral bodies, including universities, government agencies, and other organisations, to give input and suggestions to their proposed research and innovation politics. Here is a…

Simulation and Design

The optical layout of beamlines at MAX IV are typically designed in close collaboration with our optics simulation experts. MAX IV uses a number of simulation tools to perform ray…


…it can continuously rotate (i.e. without breaking the vacuum) 120 degrees in the horizontal plane. The Vertias beamline supports great variety of experimental environments were a custom manipulator system with…

xrdPlanner: a new, versatile beamtime planner

…makes it easier to plan an experiment; seeing the implications of individual parameters and having all these numbers overlaid on top of each other helps to understand all this information…


The analysis chamber hosts a VT XA STM (ScientaOmicron). The microscope has recently (2019) been upgraded so that non-contact AFM via QPlus sensors became possible. Most of our users run…

STM sampleholders and sample mounting

…a custom-built sampleplate). The receiver is back-compatible with standard ScientaOmicron flag-type sampleplates, however, the vertical distance between the baseplate and the direct current contact may differ from that in original…