
…browser, with access to stored experimental data, as well as home and group folders in the central storage system. Simple ready off-the-shelf as well as configurable persistent user defined environments…


…is observed in nature for the first time. 1961 A research programme is launched in the USA to examine synchrotron light and its possible applications. 1962 The electron accelerator LUSY…

Experimental station

…magnetized FeGd multilayer. Spectra measured with circular left and circular right X-rays, shown with difference (XMCD) spectrum and domain images for Iron Fe-L (left) and Gadolinium Gd-M edge (right). A….

XES data

…(3 crystals) New data collected in July 2022 in collaboration with expert commissioning users. The Co Ka1 HERFD spectra were collected together with expert commissioning users (A. Jentys group from…


…I need to reach in my diffraction experiment? Our Pilatus3-1M detector at the diffraction endstation has a fixed size and can only be placed a minimum distance from the sample.

Beamline optics

…all slope errors and heat load deformations on these mirrors are diminished in the dispersion plane in a well-known manner. Optical element  M1 common M2 common PG common M3 Branch…

ICE Endstation

…- Requires single-bunch mode; – Static E-fields : a few V/cm – B-field (with Helmholtz coils): see below High field/lens mode (first general user call Fall 2022) – Single Bunch/Multi-bunch…