Gas-phase endstation

The Gas-phase end station (GPES), shown in the photo below, has been designed for photoelectron-photoion coincidence (PEPICO) experiments of gas phase targets and samples with high vapour pressure [1]. The main instruments…

Drug discovery

…drug candidates to target proteins. Using the beamlines and tools at MAX IV, researchers from drug discovery companies find brand new starting points for developing novel pharmaceutical substances.  Easy and…

Science at MicroMAX

…full datasets due to e.g. radiation damage and sample heterogeneity. These methods are commonly referred to as “serial crystallography”. MicroMAX will thus widen the scope of MX to difficult targets…


The DanMAX team The DanMAX team currently consist of: Mads Ry Jørgensen Beamline Manager E-mail: Innokenty Kantor Senior Researcher E-mail: Lennard Krause Project manager E-mail: Frederik Holm…


We have gathered some frequently asked questions Can I connect to MAX IV through VPN? chevron_right MAX IV has a VPN client and this might be useful to you as…

Nano-focused X-rays aid integrated circuit development

Electromigration and failure Copper is the most commonly used material for connecting transistors on a chip. The current being pushed through the tiny copper wires cause a phenomenon called electromigration….

Photoelectron spectroscopy

Photoelectron spectroscopy (PES) is based on the photoelectric effect, the fact that matter irradiated by photons of sufficiently high energy emits electrons. Information about the sample is determined from the…

User information

Photon energy 30 – 1500 eV Polarizations Linear horizontal Linear vertical (energy minimum approx. 45 eV) Circular (under commissioning) Resolving power Typically about 5000 (at 400 eV). Under special circumstances…