3 GeV storage ring

The MAX IV 3 GeV storage ring (R3) is based on a novel multi-bend achromat lattice (MBA) for the production of ultra-bright hard x-ray radiation. The storage ring has a…

MAX IV strategy 2023–2032

…years 2023-2032. MAX IV Strategic Plan 2023_2032.pdf What Happens Next With the Strategic Plan as a foundation, we intend to deepen the discussion with the research community and foremost national stakeholders to ensure…


…Køppen Christensen Postdoc E-mail: thorbjorn_erik.koppen_christensen@maxiv.lu.se Lennard Krause Project manager E-mail: Lennard.Krause@maxiv.lu.se Dörthe Haase Research engineer E-mail: Dorthe.Haase@maxiv.lu.se The DanMAX steering committee The DanMAX steering committee consists of: Henning Friis Poulsen…


…the members of the MAX IV review panels (PAC). chevron_right Please see our Advisory bodies page for further information on members of the MAX IV Programme Advisory Committee – PAC…

Sample environments

…x-ray scattering (SWAXS), see the science initiative page for up-to-date information. Due to the complex nature of these experiments, where we run several experimental modalities in parallel that each require…

Nano-focused X-rays aid integrated circuit development

…and conditions. Due to the extremely small scale of interconnects and the complex metal stacks studying actual working chips is difficult. Instead, we are measuring on model chips. Using these results for…

User Interface at Balder

…Energy sequence/scan list: The sequence of XAS, XRD, XRF scans are built using this widget. Filename, parameters (edge energy, intervals, duration etc) corresponding to every measurement and the number of…

Photoelectron spectroscopy

…Spectroscopy (RPES/RAES) Angle-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy (ARPES) X-Ray Photoelectron Diffraction (XPD) Core-level photoelectron spectroscopy Perhaps the most straightforward application of PES is core-level photoelectron spectroscopy, which involves the study of the…