3 GeV storage ring

The MAX IV 3 GeV storage ring (R3) is based on a novel multi-bend achromat lattice (MBA) for the production of ultra-bright hard x-ray radiation. The storage ring has a…

MAX IV strategy 2023–2032

…the coming decade. The strategy proposes a so-called sector approach and explains how resources will be used strategically to reach the short-term and long-term goals for 2021–2030. For questions or…


The DanMAX team The DanMAX team currently consist of: Mads Ry Jørgensen Beamline Manager E-mail: mads.jorgensen@maxiv.lu.se Innokenty Kantor Senior Researcher E-mail: innokenty.kantor@maxiv.lu.se Frederik Holm Gjørup Postdoc E-mail: Frederik.Holm_Gjorup@maxiv.lu.se Thorbjørn Erik…


…does MAX IV open Call for proposals? chevron_right MAX IV issues calls for proposals twice per year for the General User Access program. The calls are named according to their…

Sample environments

…specific expertise, we can only offer this capability to our users in collaboration with our academic partners. Load device A Deben 500CT load device with either glassy carbon or polymer…

Nano-focused X-rays aid integrated circuit development

…interconnect during electromigration will allow the development of improved models, resulting in better prediction of the reliability. This will ultimately help manufacturers design more reliable and perhaps even smaller chips,”…

User Interface at Balder

…and conditioning of certain devices/servers. Scan number: The scan number is visible on the top-left corner of the plotting widget. This number is appended to all the raw data and…

Photoelectron spectroscopy

…depends (nearly linearly) on the kinetic energy, and in the figure the red and blue-colored trajectories are for electrons with lower and higher kinetic energies, respectively. After traveling through the…