3 GeV storage ring

…The ultra-low emittance is the result of the strong focusing provided by the multi-bend achromat lattice. A fully NEG-coated copper vacuum system and highly compact magnets machined from common iron…

MAX IV strategy 2023–2032

…the most prioritised instruments. In addition, we are working internally with a MAX IV Roadmap identifying activities throughout the organisation needed to achieve the vision and mission as described in…


…Joachim Schnadt (MAX IV Laboratory, Lund University) Margit Nothnagl (MAX IV Laboratory, Lund University) Magnus Larsson (MAX IV Laboratory, Lund University) Former DanMAX team members Martin Roelsgaard (Aarhus Uiniveristy, DK)…


…ask at the reception for further directions. Is there WIFI at MAX IV? chevron_right Yes, please see this page about WiFi at MAX IV for further information. My proposal is…

Sample environments

…x-ray scattering (SWAXS), see the science initiative page for up-to-date information. Due to the complex nature of these experiments, where we run several experimental modalities in parallel that each require…

Nano-focused X-rays aid integrated circuit development

…circuit. “Electromigration is one of the biggest reliability issues in integrated circuits and although it has been widely studied the interplay between the different forces that drive or counteract electromigration…

User Interface at Balder

…The channels corresponding to I0, I1, integration time (in case of fluorescence yield) etc for both live plotting and data extraction are selected in this tab. AlbaEM Web Interface Currents…

Photoelectron spectroscopy

…spectroscopy is therefore a standard tool in surface science. The kinetic-energy measurement of the electrons is often done by deflection in an electric field, most commonly in hemispherical mirror analyzers…