3 GeV storage ring

…circumference of 528 m, comprises 20 achromats, and provides 19 straight sections of roughly 5 m length for insertion devices. As of today R3 serves 10 beamlines, as detailed here….

MAX IV strategy 2023–2032

…years 2023-2032. MAX IV Strategic Plan 2023_2032.pdf What Happens Next With the Strategic Plan as a foundation, we intend to deepen the discussion with the research community and foremost national stakeholders to ensure…


…Køppen Christensen Postdoc E-mail: thorbjorn_erik.koppen_christensen@maxiv.lu.se Lennard Krause Project manager E-mail: Lennard.Krause@maxiv.lu.se Dörthe Haase Research engineer E-mail: Dorthe.Haase@maxiv.lu.se The DanMAX steering committee The DanMAX steering committee consists of: Henning Friis Poulsen…


We have gathered some frequently asked questions Can I connect to MAX IV through VPN? chevron_right MAX IV has a VPN client and this might be useful to you as…

Sample environments

…available. The humidifier can also be connected to sample environments brought by users (6 mm Swagelok fitting). Advanced rheological testing We provide advanced rheological testing combined with small- and wide-angle…

User Interface at Balder

…window. On the top left hand corner is the MoCo widget which keeps the beam position constant during energy scans. Some motors which are commonly used for most experiments are…

Photoelectron spectroscopy

…sketch depicting typical photoelectron spectroscopy experiment setup with a hemispherical analyzer: Schematics of a typical photoelectron spectroscopy experiment setup with a hemispherical analyzer X-ray photons with a well-defined energy (hν)…