3 GeV storage ring

…The ultra-low emittance is the result of the strong focusing provided by the multi-bend achromat lattice. A fully NEG-coated copper vacuum system and highly compact magnets machined from common iron…

MAX IV strategy 2023–2032

…years 2023-2032. MAX IV Strategic Plan 2023_2032.pdf What Happens Next With the Strategic Plan as a foundation, we intend to deepen the discussion with the research community and foremost national stakeholders to ensure…


…(Department of Physics, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark) Bo Brummerstedt Iversen (Department of Chemistry & iNANO, Aarhus University, Denmark) Kirsten Marie Ørnsbjerg Jensen (Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen, Denmark)…


…beamtime period, and not when the call itself opens, hence the (approximations): Spring call for proposals opens in September, for beamtime in March-August Fall call for proposals opens in February,…

Sample environments

…x-ray scattering (SWAXS), see the science initiative page for up-to-date information. Due to the complex nature of these experiments, where we run several experimental modalities in parallel that each require…

Nano-focused X-rays aid integrated circuit development

…is not completely understood,” says Professor Sten Vollebregt from Delft University of Technology. Nano focus reveals structural details Copper structures of different lengths and thicknesses were fabricated on top of…

User Interface at Balder

The page describes some of the graphical interfaces and tools users will encounter at Balder. Only a limited amount of information is provided here for the benefit of prospective/first-time users….

Photoelectron spectroscopy

…just as in the Auger decay after a core photoionization event, or a photon. The decay is fast, of the order of a few femtoseconds or faster, but some dynamic…