
…and time scales, making it possible to get a microscale view of food formulations and processing components, and monitor spatial distribution of different components both in situ and in operando.  Increased understanding of…

ICE Endstation

The ICE (Ions in Coincidence with Electrons) end station is a mobile end station that is designed to be compatible with a number of MAX IV LDM-relevant beamlines. By using a combination of multi-coincidence…

SEDS Projects

…nano-sized objects will be possible a using commercial nano-indentation system that will be adapted to beamlines at MAX IV. The system will also be compatible with electron microscopes at Chalmers….

LEAPS-INNOV project offers funding for collaborative work

…collaborative technology developments II) collaborative development of strategic community access modes. A sample environment at a beamline. Credit: MAX IV Laboratory Via the LEAPS-INNOV-co-creation programme, experienced as well as new…

Scanning Electron Microscope

…duties, so unless agreed well in advance do not expect immediate help. As long as there is no queue to the instrument, it hosts users on the “first come –…

Full field imaging

…one second, a feat achieved through a judicious compromise among factors like spatial resolution, dynamic range, signal-to-noise ratio, and temporal resolution. Rendering of the imaging instrument at DanMAX. a,b indicates…

Advanced Rheological Testing

…The aim of the collaboration is to grow the user community by outreach and development of novel, advanced in-situ rheological testing for MAX IV’s users. Due to the complex nature…

User Policies

…these terms and conditions, all users need to state their compliance in the Digital User Office (DUO) portal when submitting a proposal and/or when applying for individual access (physical or…

User information

…imaging instrument here. To help you design your PXRD2D experiment, we have developed xrdPlanner. Here, you can compare the experimental parameters (sample-to-detector distance, photon energy, beam stop distance) to find…