Scanning Electron Microscope

…duties, so unless agreed well in advance do not expect immediate help. As long as there is no queue to the instrument, it hosts users on the “first come –…

ForMAX beamline celebrates 1 year in operations

…The first experiments at ForMAX, including research by scientists from Wallenberg Wood Science Center. The first industrial experiment at ForMAX, a study on sustainable material candidates to substitute plastic in…

User information

…the booking covers the weekend, it is meant that the equipment will be used over the weekend, i.e. outside of nominal support working hours. Should you foresee that your experiment…

Full field imaging

…imaging system relies on an indirect X-ray to light conversion optical microscope system. In this setup, X-rays traverse the sample and hit a thin, transparent scintillator screen, thereby generating an…

Advanced Rheological Testing

…The aim of the collaboration is to grow the user community by outreach and development of novel, advanced in-situ rheological testing for MAX IV’s users. Due to the complex nature…

User Policies

…remote/mail-in). Here, it is the responsibility of the individual users to ensure prior to entering MAX IV that they are authorized to enter into the Terms & Conditions on behalf…

User information

…keV. In the upcoming call, we accept regular proposals seeking time on the PXRD2D instrument or on the imaging instrument. You can read more about the PXRD2D instrument here and the…

User organisations

…to the best beamlines in Europe, to the greatest possible extent on the basis of scientific excellence. SSUO is the Swedish member organization of ESUO Link to the ESUO site…

One Time Password (OTP)

…the application Scan the QR-code Confirm by typing in a generated code Many fail to complete this last step. It must show the text in green “Security code successfully verified”….