XES data

The first data set collected with the SCANIA-2D X-ray Emission spectrometer during commissioning beamtime 2019-12-11. Emission lines XANES and resonant XES spectra of CuO. The XES spectra were measured at…

Low Density Matter

…i.e. research using samples in the gas-, cluster-, and, liquid- phases. Low Density Matter research at MAX IV Low Density Matter research has a long history at MAX IV/MAX-lab and…

Governance structure

…E-mail: Marjolein.Thunnissen@maxiv.lu.se Phone: +46462224668 The courses and evaluation The Study Program Committee is responsible for developing and organizing the courses within the PRISMAS program. It is chaired by the Director…

DanMAX is catalysing industry research

…diffraction at the DanMAX beamline at MAX IV. Haldor Topsoe is a trailblazer when it comes to scientific innovation. Considering that the company’s founder, Haldor Topsoe, after whom the company…

User organisations

…Linköping University E-mail: lina.rogstrom@liu.se Saroj Prasad Dash, Chalmers University Research profile:https://www.chalmers.se/en/staff/Pages/saroj-dash.aspx E-mail: saroj.dash@chalmers.se Rainer Timm, Lund University E-mail: rainer.timm@sljus.lu.se Minna Patanen, University of Oulu Research profile:http://www.oulu.fi/university/researcher/minna-patanen E-mail: minna.patanen@oulu.fi Swedish Synchrotron…

The dawning of new interpretation for RIXS spectra

…an inversion symmetric molecule, the wave function, gerade (even) final states of electrons should not be possible to observe together with ungerade (odd) final states. This rule has been used…