Beamline optics

…all slope errors and heat load deformations on these mirrors are diminished in the dispersion plane in a well-known manner. Optical element  M1 common M2 common PG common M3 Branch…


…supply chains.  MAX IV has initiated the international network Northern Lights on Food that gathers universities, industry, and academia to advance food research and educate the next generation of food scientists.  Examples…

Engagement in networks

…the League of European Accelerator-based Photon Sources – is a strategic consortium initiated by the Directors of the Synchrotron Radiation and Free Electron Laser user facilities in Europe. Its primary…

ICE Endstation

The ICE (Ions in Coincidence with Electrons) end station is a mobile end station that is designed to be compatible with a number of MAX IV LDM-relevant beamlines. By using a combination of multi-coincidence…

SEDS Projects

…an induction furnace for use at beamlines. Information for new collaboration projects New projects involving installation of equipment at beamlines Present experiment design ideas and discuss them with MAX IV…

LEAPS-INNOV project offers funding for collaborative work

…user communities have an opportunity to develop new concepts, methods and technologies suited to their needs together with LEAPS facilities. The focus lies on joint technological developments, advanced research capabilities…