Photoluminescence end station

…light and some external light sources (for a pump-probe and a photostimulated spectroscopy) could be available also if external light sources are provided by users. Photoluminescence endstation at FinEstBeAMS Experimental…


…buildings. The different new techniques developed for MAX IV will reduce energy consumption compared to traditional synchrotron facilities. The smaller magnets, the lower frequency used in the RF cavities and…

User information

These following items are available to use: 800 nm pump laser; OPA pump 1600 nm – 400 nm; THz generated in organic crystals. 1.8-15 keV X-rays 80 Gs, 36 GHz…

Our services

…at the Industrial Relations Office. User guide chevron_right Collaborations MAX IV welcomes collaboration with scientific organisations and industry. Together, we can maximise the capabilities of the synchrotron use, and take…

Bio & Chem labs

…in-house research. The lab complements the various beamline-attached sample preparation facilities as well as the sample environment lab and are being developed to offer extended instrumentation access and support. The…

Report: MAX IV and the Industry 2022

MAX IV and the Industry 2022 summarises how the industry benefitted from MAX IV during the last year. It features industry user statistics, user cases, the results of various outreach…

User information

Please browse the submenues on the left to get more information about crystal requirements and the application process….

User information

…um2 Scattering angle Continuous scanning between 35 and 145 degree for solid and gas samples. 90 deg for liquid samples. – Sample temperature 8 – 300 K – For detailed…