MetalBeams: Treatment and analysis of LSI data

…Lund University, and KTH and CeXS. The seminar will be held at Jernkontoret, with the possibility of online participation. Register before November 20. Click here to see the full schedule….

Conduct your experiment

…on the BioMAX page. Get your research data After you have completed your experiment at MAX IV, you can access your research data online. Read more about data access here. Proceed…

Science at Bloch

…domains or simply reduce disorder broadening in inhomogeneous samples. Studies are also supported on the A-endstation by an online scanning tunneling microscope for obtaining topgraphic information, while the B-endstation has…

Sample Delivery Systems

…Note: an online booking procedure is planned for the future (information regarding this will be provided in due course). Description Adiabatic expansion source with cylindrical sample reservoir. Reservoir heating and…

User information

…(See: Most of the beamlines at MAX IV Laboratory are oversubscribed, so proposals should be compelling and carefully written in order to be chosen by the advisory committee. If access…

Post beamtime

…The following page contains details and instructions on how to proceed. Data format NanoMAX records data as compressed hdf5 files, a binary file type which stores data in a…

Science at NanoMAX

…of MAX IV should make coherent imaging techniques an interesting application at the NanoMAX beamline. Talk: Utilizing the coherent beam at the NanoMAX instrument Dr. Alexander Björling – 2021-04-13…

Fast Access

…shifts (8 hours) of beamtime per proposal. For further info on FA, please refer to this page: Follow this link to read more about all MAX IV Access modes….