Experimental station

FemtoMAX offers five different experimental stations that supports x-ray scattering geometries (GIXS, SAXS, WAXS) in a vacuum/He/air environment.  X-ray detectors are available directly mounted on vacuum chambers or on a…

Ionic liquids key to sustainable energy storage

…Salts contain negative and positive ions and, for example, table salt, sodium chloride, contains positive sodium ions and negative chloride ions but has a melting point around 800 °C. RTILs…

User information

Photon energy 260 eV – 2500 eV (maximum range) 260 eV – 1800 eV at > 1012 ph/s Resolving power Up to 35000 Spot size 60 µm (h) x 25…

FTIR Spectrometer

…in-plane with the surface) allowing for Polarization Modulation (PM) IRRAS. Spectrometer Bruker Vertex v70 with in-vacuum beampath Range 1000 cm-1 – 8000 cm-1 (limited by transmission through CaF2 windows) Pressure up…

Data analysis software

…at MAXPEEM, which currently are Elmitec-type Uview files with filename extension, .dat. ImageJ (special Fiji package, 1.52b) Igor Pro 9 (Evangelos Golias’s analysis package at gitlab) Python (MAX IV Jupyterlab)…

Dynamical Mechanical Analysis

We offer dynamical mechanical analysis (DMA; aka solid-state rheology) combined with simultaneous SWAXS, allowing users to simultaneously probe storage and loss moduli as well as underlying atomic- and nanoscale structure…

Targeting weaknesses in quick clays with X-ray data

…solid to liquid, where all capacity of resisting shear stress is lost, explained Dijkstra. Dijksta and colleagues are currently conducting experiments on quick clay with elevated stress levels, rheology, and miniature…