Carbon dioxide, emitted mainly by combustion of fossil fuels, is harmful to the climate and the main reason for increased global warming. Diverting carbon dioxide into hydrogen carriers or chemicals such as methanol, a valuable raw material and energy carrier, is thus highly desired. Supported metal nanoparticle heterogeneous catalysts such as copper on zinc oxide is used for the catalytic conversion of carbon dioxide to methanol. Researchers have now discovered that it is possible to avoid by-products and at the same time make the process more sustainable by adding a small amount of gold to the catalyst.
Long-term governmental funding of MAX IV enabled by a change in ordinance
Today, the Swedish Government announces a modification of the ordinance that governs funding granted to research infrastructure of national interest. The change in the governing documents will allow the Swedish Research Council to grant funding for up to 10 years for MAX IV and similar research infrastructure.
Protection for large intestine and migraine medication – news from MAX IV users
Gel baserad på matavfall kan skydda tjocktarmen I global livsmedelsproduktion går en tredjedel av den råvara som används till spillo varje år. Forskare vid KTH har funnit ett nytt användningsområde för den del av maten som annars skulle gå förlorad. Uppfinningen är en gel baserad på majsfibrer som bland annat skulle kunna ingå i mat
Robert Feidenhans’l is the new chair of the MAX IV board
Lund University has appointed Robert Feidenhans’l as chair of the board for the MAX IV research facility in Lund. The term of office runs from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2025. “Robert Feidenhans’l is a fantastic asset for MAX IV and for Sweden’s work on research infrastructures. He is an internationally leading authority within
Exploring the structure of industrial polymers with the help of the CoSAXS beamline
People consume goods daily without realising the journey those products have been through before being displayed on store shelves. Everything involved in the production is a result of thorough R&D, even the eye-catching package of the products has gone through a substantial evolution. To this day, researchers are working on taking the packaging to the
MAX IV and ESS webinar on drug discovery and development
Would you like to know how SciLifeLab, MAX IV and ESS can contribute to drug discovery and development? Participate in the joint webinar organized by InfraLife together with partner organisation Lif on November 12, 2021. During the webinar SciLifeLab, MAX IV and ESS – the three large-scale research infrastructures will provide information on their capabilities in advanced technologies
Unveiling the properties of a versatile 2D material for energy storage and production applications
Researchers from Linköping University and MAX IV have determined the detailed surface atomic arrangement of inherently formed termination species in an important class of two-dimensional materials known as MXene. The results have implications for the use of the material in energy storage and production applications.
MAX IV & partners poised to innovate life science sector
MAX IV Laboratory, together with Science for Life Laboratory (SciLifeLab) and the European Spallation Source ERIC (ESS), form the joint Science Hub InfraLife, Infra Access for Life Science Sweden. Recently launched, InfraLife supports Sweden’s national investments in large-scale research infrastructure through dynamic facilitation and access to cutting-edge technology, data science, and active industry-enabling collaboration, outreach, and