PRISMAS PhD Programme: Third Call for PRISMAS PhD Applications

We are excited to announce the PRISMAS PhD Programme successfully held its first annual meeting on June 10-11, 2024. This event was the perfect occasion for our students to network, present innovative techniques to be used in their projects, and discuss their work with PIs and distinguished guests. The meeting fostered collaboration and the exchange of ideas, reinforcing the programme’s commitment to developing leading synchrotron experts.

Call extension for several PRISMAS PhD application

PRIMSAS PhD programme is committed to give students the best possible opportunity to become leading synchrotron experts. Therefore, on Monday (30/10) the PRISMAS coordinating group has decided to extend the application period for several PhD positions. The new application deadline for these positions is now 17 November 2023.

Student engagement at MAX IV with MATRAC School

Forty-five university students recently got an exciting opportunity to visit MAX IV and PETRA III, attend lectures, and explore beamline technologies hands-on through the MATRAC I School. The educational programme, held in March this year, provides knowledge on the application of neutron and X-ray radiation in engineering materials science.