Diffraction pattern recorded during ptychographic scans using the Siemens star test sample

Dear user community: CoSAXS beamline is performance ready

A successful, first rigorous test of CoSAXS, the Small-Angle X-ray Scattering beamline at MAX IV has now completed. A collaboration of scientists from NanoMAX, Balder, and CoSAXS beamlines demonstrated the accuracy, capabilities, and most especially, coherence properties of the instrument. The work marks the first experimental measurements for coherence in a SAXS beamline at a fourth generation synchrotron.


Portrait of middle-aged man with glasses and dark shirt in front of beamline at MAX IV.

ForMAX beamline celebrates 1 year in operations

November 1 marks one year since ForMAX beamline officially opened for user experiments. Congratulations to ForMAX and everyone involved in making ForMAX possible! It has been one exciting first year.