The team at the Novo Nordisk Foundation funded life science beamline MicroMAX welcomed the first users in December 2023. In the experiment the users investigated an enzyme that may be found in some bacteria of human gut microbiota and may have a role in the development of diabetes and other diseases.
Insights into soot emissions with a newly developed Aerosol Sample Delivery System at MAX IV
A newly developed sample delivery system at MAX IV lets researchers study the properties of aerosol particles. With this knowledge, they can further understand the health and climate effects of soot from burning fuels for transportation or natural emissions.
A cloudy route for shipping in the Arctic
The melting of polar ice due to climate change will open global shipping routes through the Arctic in summer by mid-century, according to experts. More ships in the remote area means greater pollution impacts on the marine ecosystem. What will these impacts look like? In a first commissioning experiment at MAX IV’s SoftiMAX beamline, Swedish researchers analysed the cloud-forming abilities of particle exhaust from ships using low-sulphate fuels as well as high-sulphate fuels conditioned with wet scrubbers. Their findings indicate the fuel types produce different, but unintended effects on particle emissions and therefore, our atmosphere.
Combination of techniques for effective pharmaceutical formulation
The environment in your gastrointestinal tract affects the properties and effectiveness of medicines. Researchers have used MAX IV to investigate a technique for studying these changes. They found that the structural properties of the anti-inflammatory drug Indomethacin changed in the presence of common biomolecules.
ForMAX beamline celebrates 1 year in operations
November 1 marks one year since ForMAX beamline officially opened for user experiments. Congratulations to ForMAX and everyone involved in making ForMAX possible! It has been one exciting first year.
Honeycomb silicon carbide: a research surprise
While physicists and materials scientists have been trying to produce large-area, two-dimensional, high-quality silicon carbide (SiC) for some time with little to no success, a recent study at Bloch beamline made an unexpected breakthrough.
Controllable droplets carry promise for self-assembled nanodevices
Metal patterns printed on a III-V semiconductor material can control the appearance and positions of droplets arising on its surface when heated. The result is a significant step forward for controlled device fabrication on a chip.
Size of support particles is key to catalytic converter efficiency
In a study conducted at MAX IV and other European synchrotrons, researchers from the Netherlands and Belgium show that the catalytic activity of highly distributed palladium depends on the size of the cerium dioxide support particles. Optimising particle size can lead to a more effective conversion of toxic carbon monoxide exhaust even in challenging cold start conditions. The study was published in the journal SCIENCE.
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X-ray eyes on artifact from shipwreck Gribshunden
When history meets present-day science fascinating things reveal themselves. In such a case, a sample of chain mail from the 15th century Danish flagship, Gribshunden, was recently analysed at MAX IV’s NanoMAX beamline. Researchers from Lund University want to know more about the structural and chemical makeup of the metal to give us a window into Sweden’s past.