Leirskredet i Gjerdrum, credit: Tommy Gildseth

Targeting weaknesses in quick clays with X-ray data

Recent landslides in Scandinavia linked to quick clays in the underlying soil have caused major damage to societal infrastructure and even loss of life. In urban areas in particular, quick clays can pose a significant hazard when disturbed. Research on the clay material structure holds promise to understand why quick clay soils can collapse without warning, and in connection, provide valuable insight for improved planning of buildings, roads, and bridges as well as public safety measures. New techniques for the study of quick clays include small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) available at MAX IV’s CoSAXS beamline, and full-field tomographic imaging and small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering (SWAXS) at ForMAX beamline.


Portrait of middle-aged man with glasses and dark shirt in front of beamline at MAX IV.

ForMAX beamline celebrates 1 year in operations

November 1 marks one year since ForMAX beamline officially opened for user experiments. Congratulations to ForMAX and everyone involved in making ForMAX possible! It has been one exciting first year.