
MetalBeams Online Seminar

25 November 2020, 12:45 - 16:00
Metal plates passing over a collection of blue metal wheels

Test environments for in-situ investigation of metallic materials

Registration is now open!

MetalBeams is an initiative within SIP Metallic Materials, run by Jernkontoret, Swerim and RISE, to encourage the use of large-scale infrastructure (synchrotron x-ray and neutron sources) by the metals industry.

In view of the current covid-19 crisis and consequent travel restrictions, the Autumn 2020 seminar will be online. The main focus will be on synchrotron test facilities which are available for in-situ measurements of microstructure and phase transformations. This includes the effect of temperature, load and environment as well as time-resolved capabilities.

Please register by 20th November at the latest and we will send you a link for participation.

Contacts for more information:
