How can I apply for a PhD position in the PRISMAS program?

During two calls, the positions of the PRISMAS program are open for applications. Submit your complete application directly through the respective university’s vacancies page. Read more under How to apply. 

I am interested in more than one research project. Can I apply to more than one?

Yes. Make sure to prioritize them in your motivation letter. Please submit an application for all projects of your interest. Read more under How to apply.

I am a citizen of a country outside of the European Union. Can I apply for PRISMAS?

Yes. As PRISMAS is an MSCA-supported program, it is open to applicants of all nationalities. Please note the mobility rule that is part of the eligibility criteria – read more on the Who can apply page.

You can also watch the video “MSCA for Doctoral candidates – Embark on a career in research” by the European Commission Audiovisual Service.

Is there additional information about the mobility rule? Is it a strict one?

The mobility rule is a strict one required by the Funder, in this case the MSCA EU Programme ( Even if your profile might suit the position and be very competitive from the scientific point of view, if you don’t comply with the mobility rule, you are regrettably not eligible to apply.

The MSCA are based on the principle of physical mobility: researchers who receive funding have to move from one country to another to acquire new knowledge, skills and competences, and develop their research career. Researchers are also strongly encouraged to move between
sectors and disciplines.

Recruited researchers can be of any nationality and must comply with the following mobility rule: they must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the recruiting beneficiary for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before their recruitment date.

What kind of English language proficiency is needed?

The best way to prove that you are at an CEFR B2 level in English is to take a high-quality standardized test. See below for a list of common tests and corresponding B2 scores. You are free to provide any other evidence of your English proficiency, and how this relates to B2 proficiency. It is our discretion to accept such non-standardized proof or not. This requirement is not mandatory for mother tongue English speakers.

TestB2 level score equivalent
EF SET51 – 60
IELTS5.5 – 6.0
TOEIC (R&L) Total785 – 940
Cambridge English Scale160 – 179
TOEFL iBT72 – 94
Global Scale of English (Pearson)59 – 75

Should a reference letter be provided via email?

As explained in application submission guidelines, a reference letter is a requirement to be included in the application package. You, or the person providing the letter for you, are not expected to send it through separate channels; the letter should be submitted along with other documents in the submission system of the host university.

What does the transcript of records need to contain?

The academic transcript of attended courses needs to be an official document issued by the Institution where you received your higher level education. The document needs to show the credits and corresponding grade you achieved. If the transcript does not show ECTS credits (because the system of the country where it was issued does not apply ECTS credits), please make sure to add a document explaining how the shown credits translate into ECTS (there are official pages clarifying this; otherwise the issuing institution should be able to clarify this point). Moreover, make sure there is an explanation of a maximum grade that can be achieved in your grading system. The explanatory document provided doesn’t have to be an official one, it can be a statement by the applicant.

Am I eligible if I will obtain my Degree in September 2024?

The eligibility check will mainly refer to August 31st 2024 as last date to have a Degree confirming the above mentioned requirements. Exceptionally, candidates that are in their last year of studies and could prove that they completed their exams by August 31st 2024 but cannot provide the official Diploma by that date, will be considered eligible. They are strongly encouraged to provide any available documentation referring to their transcript record and additional input that would confirm the expected Degree completion latest by end of December 2024. The employment cannot start before all documentation is provided. Such exceptional situations will be handled on a case basis.

Do you have other questions?

Do not hesitate to contact us.

Page manager: PRISMAS June 5, 2024