X‐ray imaging approaching the low nanometer range is one of the most rapidly and strongly developing areas at all modern synchrotrons, e.g., ESRF, PETRA III, APS, Soleil or NSLS II. A central reason is that applications of micro‐ and nanobeams can be found in all major natural science fields, such as materials science, life science, earth science, nanoscience, as well as in other fields of physics, chemistry and biology. In addition, modern synchrotrons are extremely well suited for this type of beamlines – in particular MAX IV.
A unique quality of this new imaging toolbox is the opportunity for direct in‐situ, in‐vivo and in‐operando experiments exploring very challenging physical environments and giving direct correlation between structure and physical properties. It also allows 2D and 3D mapping of structure, strain and morphology within complex natural or man‐made structures. Finally, the unique properties of MAX IV should make coherent imaging techniques an interesting application at the NanoMAX beamline.
Talk: Utilizing the coherent beam at the NanoMAX instrument
Dr. Alexander Björling – 2021-04-13