Data processing and downloading

Data collected at ForMAX is stored centrally at MAX IV. The data can either be further processed using MAX IV computing resources or downloaded, see instructions for user access to MAX IV IT resources.

File location and structure

Data collected at ForMAX is saved in HDF5 format (*.h5). The files are NeXuS compatible.

The raw files are stored in /data/visitors/formax/#Proposal/#Visit/raw/. Reduced files are stored in /data/visitors/formax/#Proposal/#Visit/process/azint/

Each scan will be saved with the name scan-####.h5, where #### is a sequential number. The users need to keep track of this number and the corresponding sample/experiment using, e.g., the elogy logbook ( The master file scan-####.h5 contains the command issued to perform the scan, the scanned parameters (e.g., motor positions), experimental channels (e.g., beam intensity, temperature), and links to the detector data files. The data from the detectors are located in separate files, e.g., scan-####_eiger.h5 and scan-####_lambda.h5. Note that the link from the master file to the detector data is relative, so all files must be located in the same folder.